
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Vision fitness X20 - X30 - Elliptical trainer – How to enter to engineering mode – How troubleshoot elliptical trainer – Maintenance tips – Treadmill repair and service


Category: Treadmill Repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • How to access Engineering mode 
  • Troubleshooting tips 
  • Preventive maintenance tips 

Vision fitness X20 - X30

Engineering Mode -Simple console
Engineering Mode on the Simple Console consists of six optional settings. Use the engineering Mode to access information and enable certain features or displays on your console.
1) To enter engineering Mode, press and hold down the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys at the same time for 3-5 seconds.
2) The console will beep and enter into the engineering Mode menu.
3) To scroll through the list of options in engineering Mode, use the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys. Each of the custom settings will show on the display.
4) To select a custom setting, press the enter key when the desired setting is shown.
5) To change the value of the setting, use the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys.
6) To confirm and save the value of the setting, press the enter key.
7) To exit the engineering Mode, press and hold the Start key for 3 seconds.
EnG1 - lCD test

Test used by service technicians to test lCD displays.

EnG2 - Accumulated time / Accumulated time

Measures total time used in hours and measures total distance used in miles.

EnG3 - Machine and Units Mode

Used by service technicians to check if the console is set to bike mode or
elliptical mode. Shows you if the exercise feedback is set to the english
(miles) or Metric (kilometers) system and displays the software version.

EnG4 - Default Set time

Allows you to set the time that the computer will default to for all programs.

EnG5 - Default level Set

Allows you to set the level that the computer will default to for all programs.

EnG6 - Product Selection and Model Configuration
Allows you to configure your console to the proper product (bike or elliptical)
and model number if it was not done correctly in the initial setup.
Engineering Mode - Deluxe console
Engineering Mode on the Deluxe Console consists of thirteen optional settings. Use the engineering Mode to access information and enable
certain features or displays on your console.
1) To enter engineering Mode, press and hold down the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys at the same time for 3-5 seconds.
2) The console will beep and enter into the engineering Mode menu.
3) To scroll through the list of options in engineering Mode, use the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys. Each of the custom settings will show on the display.
4) To select a custom setting, press the enter key when the desired setting is shown.
5) To change the value of the setting, use the UP and Down resistance Arrow keys.
6) To confirm and save the value of the setting, press the enter key.
7) To exit the engineering Mode, press and hold the Start key for 3 seconds.
P1 - Set Max time
Allows you to set the maximum time a program can run for.
P2 - Set User time
Allows you to set the time that the computer will default to for all programs.
P3 - Set User Age
Allows you to set the age that the computer will default to during setup.
P4 - Set weight
Allows you to set the weight that the computer will default to during setup.
P5 - Default resistance level
Allows you to set the resistance level that the computer will default to for all programs.
P6 - Default language
Allows you to choose what language text will be displayed in (from the available languages).
P7 - Unit
Allows you to set exercise feedback to english (miles) or Metric (kilometers) system.
P8 - Machine type
Allows you to set your console to bike mode or elliptical mode.
P9 - Accumulated Data
Allows you to view the total time in hours and total distance in miles or kilometers accumulated on your product.
P10 - Display test
Test used by service technicians to test the lCD displays.
P11 - hardware test
Test used by service technicians to test the eddie Current Brake System.
P12 - Beeper Mode
Allows you to turn the beeper on or off.
P13 - Version
Allows service technicians to view the software version used by the console.

No Display on the console
possible causes:
1) The power switch on the back of the console is not in the on position.
2) The power adaptor is not plugged into the base of the elliptical trainer.
3) The wire harness is not plugged into the back of the console.
1) turns the power switch on the back of the console to on.
2) Plug the power adaptor into the base of the elliptical trainer.
3) Remove the 4 screws holding the console to the console mast.
a. Plug the wire harness into the back of the console.
There is a thump or bump in the Stride Motion
Possible causes:
1) The hardware is loose.
2) The roller wheels or tracks are dirty.
3) The footplate screws are not tight or over-tightened.
1) Check the assembly and tightness of all hardware.
2) Wipe off the roller wheels and tracks. They may have taken on debris that is causing the thumps.
3) Check the bolts and the bracket under the footplate. At times, these can be over-tightened which can cause friction with the pivoting footplate and can lead to a thump or bump.
Heart rate does not Work
NOTE: It is possible that heart rate monitors will not function properly on some people for a variety of reasons. It may be necessary to experiment with the fit and position of the chest strap. Outside interference sources such as computers, motors, electric dog fences, home
security systems, remote controls, CD players, fluorescent lights, etc., may cause problems for heart rate monitors.
Possible causes:
1) Not good contact between the user and hr grips or hr strap.
2) The hr strap is at a low battery status.
3) The hr strap is damaged.
4) The hr grips are damaged.
5) The hr board in the console is damaged.
1) Re-center the hr strap on user's chest as shown in Figure A. Also wet the user's hand, then reestablish contact with the hr grip.
2) Replace the battery in the hr Strap.
3) Replace the hr strap.
4) Replace the hr grips.
5) Replace the console.
Preventative Maintenance
Daily Maintenance items
1) Look and listen for loose fasteners, unusual noises, and any other indications that the equipment may be in need of service.
2) Clean the elliptical trainer before and after each use, including:
a. Use a damp, soft cloth with water or mild liquid detergent to clean all exposed surfaces. Do not use ammonia, chlorine, or any acid based cleaners.
b. Keep the console display free of fingerprints and salt build up caused by sweat.
c. Frequently vacuum the floor beneath the unit to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt which can affect the smooth operation of the unit.
Monthly Maintenance items
1) Inspect the console, grips, pedals, and shrouds for damage.
2) Adjust leveling feet if equipment rocks or wobbles.
3) Inspect the hardware on the frame for tightness. Tighten if necessary.
Quarterly Maintenance items
1) Inspect the console mounting bolts for tightness, tighten if necessary.
2) Inspect the console, grips, and handlebar for damage.
3) Remove the side covers and inspect the grooves on the belts and pulleys for dust or dirt. 

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