
Friday, June 17, 2016

Star Trac Treadmill – STAR TRAC TR 4500 – How to wax the running belt – How to calibrate the treadmill – How to access manager mode – How to test the motor – How to access maintenance mode

Category: Treadmill repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • How to access manager mode 
  • How to Access Maintenance mode 
  • How to calibrate the treadmill 


Manager Mode
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together. While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” key only.
2. The display will beep and display Manager Mode momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
Once the treadmill is in Manager Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Displays the next or previous parameter.
SPEED KEYS: Allows the variable to be changed within the parameter.
ENTER KEY: Saves the value if changed in the EPROM (software).
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, for each value changed.
STOP KEY: Exists Manager Mode and restarts the treadmill with a “warm start.”
0 – 9 KEYS: Enters new parameter values. If UNITS parameter is displayed, key 5 starts DISPLAY TEST and key 8 starts MOTOR TEST.
HEART HEART KEY: When pressed will automatically display manufactures default value.
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, to save the default values if changed.
Maintenance Mode
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 2 ” & “ START ” keys together. While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 2 ” key only.
2. The display will beep and display MAINTENANCE momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed. Once the treadmill is in Maintenance Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Displays the next or previous parameter.
SPEED KEYS: Allows the variable to be changed within the parameter.
ENTER KEY: Saves the value if changed in the EPROM (software).
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, for each value changed. STOP KEY: Exists Manager Mode and restarts the treadmill with a “warm start.” 0 – 9 KEYS: Enters new parameter values. If UNITS parameter is displayed, key 5 starts DISPLAY TEST and key 8 starts MOTOR TEST.
HEART HEART KEY: When pressed will automatically display manufactures default value.
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, to save the default values if changed.
Motor Test Mode
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key only. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: 240 3 .0 if treadmill is at 0%.
Alternative mode to enter Motor Test Mode:
1. Turn the power switch on while pressing the “ 8” key simultaneously on the display
Once the treadmill is in TEST Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Adjust voltage to incline motor, inclines the treadmill in increments of 1%. When using the Incline Keys verify the elevation system is responding correctly by the following:
# As the treadmill elevates up and down verify the corresponding LEDs light up on the MCB.
# Verify that the Elevation Motor Range (see above A column) is changing in increments of 1% as the treadmill elevates up and down.
Caution: Do not elevate treadmill above 15% = 57 (110v units), 80 (220v units) or below 0% = 240 (110 & 220v units) mechanical damage may occur. SPEED KEYS: Adjust the PWM duty cycle and motor speed up and down, respectively, in increments of 0.1 mph (UNITS=English) or 0.1km/hr (UNITS = Metric).
When using the Speed Keys verify the speed control system is responding correctly by the the following:
# As the treadmill begins to increase speed, verify that the display registers RPM feedback in increments of 0.1 mph/km.
START KEY: Starts burn-in mode. (continuous operation of running belt and incline using program 8 at maximum speed. Press STOP KEY to stop burn-in.
STOP KEY: Exists MOTOR TEST Mode and restarts the treadmill.
HEART KEY: Starts automatic calibration of minimum, 1/2 maximum, & maximum speed.
Automatic Speed Calibration:
In this mode minimum and maximum speed is automatically calibrated. Calibration lasts less than 3 minutes; belt will be in motion during this test.
Auto-calibration should be done every time MN, MX SPD & UNITS parameters have been changed in either SETTINGS or CONFIGURE Mode. Auto-calibration must be engaged when ever speed controlling components have been upgraded or replaced such as; MCB, Display Board, Drive Motor & RPM Sensor.
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: XXX 3 .0 if treadmill is at 0% display will read: 240 3 .0
3. Press “HEART” key, display will read: CAL treadmill will go into an automatic speed calibration for less than 3 minutes. Press “STOP” key to exit Motor Test.
Display Test Mode
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key.
2. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
3. Press and release the “5 key. Observe all the LEDs light up.
4. Pressing any key once will display the EPROM version.
Alternative mode to enter Motor Test Mode:
1. Turn the power switch on while pressing the “5” key simultaneously on the display. Observe all the LEDs light up.
Once the treadmill is in Display Test Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEYS: Lights % grade LED’s one at a time, also segments of 15-segment screen one at a time.
PROGRAM SELECT KEY: Lights the six LEDs bordering the 15-segment display.
HEART KEY: Displays “HEART HEART” on the 15-segment display.
START KEY: Displays “START START” on the 15-segment display.
0 – 9 KEYS: Lights corresponding LEDs in the Number/Program Select Keys, (except for key 9), alongside the Pre-Designed Program profiles.
STOP KEY: Displays “WD TEST” on the 15-segment display. Activates the watchdog timer, resetting the processor and returning the program back to Start Mode.
Waxing running blet
Cleaning the deck and belt:
# Using the stick or ruler, slide a towel under the middle of the running belt from one side of the frame to the other.
# Hold the edges of the towel, pull from head-roller down to the tailroller, then pull the belt down to wipe the remaining of the belt. TIP: Careful when removing the
towel, it will be dirty. Fold the dirty towel and shake into trash.
Re-waxing the deck and belt:
# Lift the left side (facing the display) of the belt, about 12 inches down from the motor shroud (see above figure). Hold the belt up such that the width of the belt is elevated from the deck.
# Gently place one level teaspoon of wax powder on the deck about two inches from the edge, and blow the wax steadily under the belt, so that the wax powder is spread evenly across the deck (see above figure). Gently place a second level teaspoon of wax 18 inches down the belt.
# Repeat the above step to the right side of the belt and deck.
Walking the wax in:
# Start the treadmill at 1 mph and walk on all sections of the belt and deck for 1 minute to ensure the wax has been evenly distributed and worked-in properly. STEP 4: Clean-up:
# Remove any excess wax with diluted cleaner (409) and towel, or bristle brush.
Clear RE WAX prompt:
# Engage Settings or Configure Modes. Press and hold the “0”, “1” or(2) & “START” keys down, release the “1” or (2) key only. Display will beep and display SETTINGS or CONFIGURE momentarily (depending if the 1 or 2 key was released), then UNITS will be displayed.
# Press the Incline Down Key (elevation) until LSTDCK is displayed. Press and release the HEART Key, this will automatically transfer the accumulated miles/kilometers into the LSTDCK, press the ENTER Key to save.

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