
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sportsart TR22F – Treadmill error codes and troubleshooting – ERR1- ERR3 - Treadmill repair and service

Category: Treadmill Repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • Error codes and cause 
  • Fuse burnout problems 
  • Incline troubleshooting 

Sportsart TR22F

Safety key malfunction
Circumstance: Put the safety key in place. The display shows no reaction. “Safety key” appears.
Possible cause: Safety key board malfunction
1. Inspect the safety key magnet.
2. Inspect bridge board connections.
3. Test or replace the safety key board.
No start up. Unit does not operate
Circumstance: Turn unit power on. The power indicator does not light.
Possible cause: Incoming power supply or component malfunction.
1. Inspect the power cable connection.
 2. Inspect cable connections under the motor cover.
3. Inspect the main fuse, fuse holder, and power switch.
4. Inspect the drive board components for signs of burning. Or replace the drive board as a test.
No start up. Unit does not operate
Circumstance: Turn unit power on. The power indicator does not light.
Possible cause:
1. AC power supply enters the drive board, goes through the fuse, into the transformer, then into the drive board.
2.Cables are not connected properly, or the drive board is malfunctioning.
1. Inspect all cable connections.
2. Inspect whether LED2 on the drive board lights.
A. If LED2 does not light, inspect the transformer fuse and measure transformer input and output voltages.
3. Inspect whether LED1 on the display board lights.
A. If it does not light, inspect cable connections from the display to the drive board.
B. If it does light, inspect the display IC. Re-install the display IC.
Telemetry heart rate malfunction
Circumstance: Telemetry heart rate malfunction
Possible cause:
1. Transmitter battery voltage is too low.
2. Telemetry receiver board malfunction
3. Environmental interference, possibly from lights or speakers
1. Replace the transmitter strap or its batteries.
2. Inspect the receiver board wire connection.
3. Replace the receiver board.
Key malfunction – soft keys
Circumstance: Press display keys. Display shows no reaction, or keys operate continually.
Possible cause:
1. Bridge board soft key connections are not connected properly.
2. Soft keys are bad.
1. Inspect bridge board soft key connections.
2. Replace soft keys.
Incline does not operate up or down
Circumstance: Press incline keys. Incline does not operate up or down.
Possible cause:
1. Cables are not connected properly.
2. Drive board or VR malfunction.
1. Inspect all cable connections.
2. Measure whether transformer incline voltage is 29 VAC.
3. Inspect whether incline UP/DN indicators light when incline keys are pressed. If LEDs do not light, inspect cable connections and the display. If LEDs light, inspect whether the drive board emits voltage to the incline. If yes, the incline is defective. If not, replace the drive board.
Incline position malfunction
Circumstance: The incline setting and actual incline position differ.
Possible cause:
1. VR wear
2. Display board incline setting circuit malfunction
1. Inspect all cable connections.
2. Measure VR wires to the drive board: red-green 0% > 1.20 VDC 15%  > 3.57 VDC If not, re-calibrate the incline set.
3. If the VR voltage fluctuates greatly, the VR set is broken. Replace the VR set.
4. If the VR voltage is correct, replace the display as a test
HTR malfunction
Circumstance: Contact heart rate (HTR) value malfunction
Possible cause:
1. HTR cable malfunction
2. HTR board malfunction
3. Display cable connection malfunction
1. Inspect the display cable connections.
2. Inspect bridge board HTR cable connections.
3. Inspect contact heart rate cable connections.
4. Inspect HTR board LEDs.
5. Replace the HTR board.
The fuse has broken
Circumstance: Turn on unit. The fuse immediately blows.
 Possible cause:
1. Components and the frame have an abnormal electrical short.
2. Drive board component malfunction
1. Inspect the power cord. Is the cord insulation broken and creating an electrical short?
2. Replace the drive board as a test. (Drive board malfunctions are the most common source of blown fuses.)
3. Replace the filter.
The fuse has broken
Circumstance: Press the speed key. Motor rotates. Fuse blows.
Possible cause:
1. Motor has an abnormal, internal electrical short.
2. Drive board malfunction Troubleshooting:
1. Replace the drive board as a test.
2. Replace the motor as a test.
3. Replace the optic sensor as a test.
The fuse has blown
Circumstance: After a period of use, the fuse suddenly breaks.
Possible cause:
1. Fuse holder malfunction
2. Deck or belt wear
3. Drive board malfunction
1. Inspect the fuse and fuse holder installation.
2. Inspect the mechanics:
A. Walk belt wear, lubrication
B. Inspect walk belt tightness. Is it too loose?
3. Replace the drive board as a test.
4. Inspect the motor brushes.
Press the speed key. Speed engages. Before the motor rotates, Error 1 appears
Possible cause:
1. Motor does not rotate. Drive board or motor malfunctions.
1. Inspect all cable connections.
2. Inspect the display board IC connection.
3. Measure motor voltage from the drive board. Is there voltage across M+,M-? If not, replace the drive board. If so,
A. inspect transformer output voltage.
B. inspect whether the EMG LED lights.
C. Do IGBTs have an electrical short?
4. Inspect motor brushes and commutator.
Err 1
Circumstance: Press Speed key. Motor rotates. Err1 appears.
Possible cause:
1. Motor rotatesoptic sensor malfunctions
1. Inspect all cable connections.
2. Inspect whether CLK indicator on drive board flashes. If not, optic sensor is malfunctioning.
A. clean the optic sensor sensor head.
B. replace the optic sensor.
3. If the CLK indicator lights, inspect:
A. cable connections
B. main IC connections.
Err 3
Circumstance: Display speed and actual speed differ.
Possible cause:
1. Optic wheel teeth or optic sensor malfunction
2. Drive board malfunction
1. Inspect whether optic wheel teeth are missing.
2. Replace the optic sensor as a test.
3. Replace the drive board.
Err 7
Circumstance: Display shows ERR 7.
Possible cause:
1. Drive board or VR malfunction made the incline stick at highest or lowest level.
1. Turn on unit power. Do not press any keys. Inspect drive board incline indicators LED5 and LED6.
A. If LED5 or 6 lights, either the display or cable connections are at fault.
B. If not lit, inspect whether the drive board emits voltage to the incline motor. If LEDs do not light, replace the drive board. If LEDs light, recalibrate the incline motor and VR Or replace the VR.
ERR 10
Circumstance: The walk belt suddenly rotates quickly.
Possible cause:
1. Drive board IGBT has an electrical short. The protective circuit fails.
2. The protective circuit fails, prompting the error code. This cause is unlikely.
1. Replace the drive board.
2. Inspect the optic sensor.
ERR 14
Circumstance: Display shows ERR 14, the motor overheat error.
Possible cause:
1. Motor is excessively hot; overheat protective circuit operates.
1. Inspect the motor thermal switch and fold-up switch cable connections. (These two cables are connected.)
2. Inspect the motor cover. Is it hot?
3. If it is hot and the unit has been in use for a long period of time, the motor overheat protective function is operating. Turn off the unit. Let it sit without use for half an hour.
4. If ERR14 often appears, please lubricate the walk belt and deck. If the belt is worn, replace it.
5. If replacing the walk belt does not remedy the situation, the motor is suspect.
ERR 14
Circumstance: Display shows ERR 14. The fold up switch operates.
Possible cause:
1. Fold up switch operates inappropriately.
1. Inspect the motor thermal switch and fold up switch cable connections. (These two cables are connected.)
2. Inspect whether the fold up switch operated inappropriately. In normal operation, the frame should not contact the fold up switch.

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