
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

FLUKE 123 - 124 Industrial ScopeMeter – Performance test – display test – calibration – Test equipment repair and service

Category: Test Equipment Repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • Performance test 
  • Input A and B test
  • Calibration procedure 

FLUKE ScopeMeter 123 -124

Performance Verification
Equipment Required For Verification
The primary source instrument used in the verification procedures is the Fluke 5500A. If a 5500A is not available, you can substitute another calibrator as long as it meets the minimum test requirements.
# Fluke 5500A Multi Product Calibrator, including 5500A-SC Oscilloscope Calibration Option.
# Stackable Test Leads (4x), supplied with the 5500A.
# 50Ω Coax Cables (2x), Fluke PM9091 (1.5m) or PM9092 (0.5m).
# 50Ω feed through terminations (2x), Fluke PM9585.
# Fluke BB120 Shielded Banana to Female BNC adapters (2x), supplied with the Fluke 123.
# Dual Banana Plug to Female BNC Adapter (1x), Fluke PM9081/001.
# Dual Banana Jack to Male BNC Adapter (1x), Fluke PM9082/001.
# TV Signal Generator, Philips PM5418.
# 75Ω Coax cable (1x), Fluke PM9075.
# 75Ω Feed through termination (1x), ITT-Pomona model 4119-75.
# PM9093/001 Male BNC to Dual Female BNC Adapter
How To Verify
Verification procedures for the display function and measure functions follow. For each procedure the test requirements are listed. If the result of the test does not meet the requirements, the test tool should be recalibrated or repaired if necessary. Some of the tests are slightly different for Fluke 123 and Fluke 124. This is caused by the higher vertical and trigger bandwidth in Fluke 124. Differences in requirements for
Fluke 123 and Fluke 124 are clearly indicated. Follow these general instructions for all tests:
# For all tests, power the test tool with the PM8907 power adapter. The battery pack
must be installed.
# Allow the 5500A to satisfy its specified warm-up period.
# For each test point , wait for the 5500A to settle.
# Allow the test tool a minimum of 20 minutes to warm up.
Display and Backlight Test
Proceed as follows to test the display and the backlight:
1. Press POWER to turn the Test tool on.
2. Fluke 123: press BRIGHTNESS and verify that the backlight is dimmed. Then select maximum backlight brightness again.
Fluke 124: press BRIGHTNESS , then press . Verify that the test tool can be switched between dimmed backlight and maximum brightness with the keys. During the tests, use maximum brightness for the best visibility.
3. Remove the adapter power, and verify that the backlight is dimmed.
4. Apply the adapter power and verify that the backlight brightness is set to maximum.
5. Press and hold BRIGHTNESS BUTTON .
6. Press and release F4 .
The test tool shows the calibration menu in the bottom of the display.
Do not press F3 now! If you did, turn the test tool off and on, and start at 5.
8. Press F1 (PREV) three times.
The test tool shows Contrast (CL 0100):MANUAL
9. Press F3 (CAL) .
The test tool shows a dark display; the test pattern as shown in Figure  may not be visible or hardly visible.
Observe the display closely, and verify that no light pixels are shown.
11. Press F2 .
The test pattern is removed; the test tool shows Contrast (CL 0110):MANUAL
12. Press F3 (CAL) .
The test tool shows the display test pattern shown in Figure , at default contrast.
Observe the test pattern closely, and verify that the no pixels with abnormal contrast are present in the display pattern squares. Also verify that the contrast of the upper left and upper right square of the test pattern are equal.
13. Press F2 .
The test pattern is removed; the test tool shows Contrast (CL 0120):MANUAL
14. Press F3(CAL) .
The test tool shows a light display; the test pattern as shown in Figure may not be visible or hardly visible. Observe the display closely, and verify that no dark pixels are shown.
15. Turn the test tool OFF and ON to exit the calibration menu and to return to the normal operating mode.
Input A and Input B Tests
Before performing the Input A and Input B tests, the test tool must be set in a defined
state, by performing a RESET.
Proceed as follows to reset the test tool:
# Press POWER  to turn the test tool off.
# Press and hold BRIGHTNESS .
# Press POWER and release to turn the test tool on.
Wait until the test tool has beeped twice, and then release BRIGHTNESS . When the test tool has beeped twice, the RESET was successful.
For most tests, you must turn Input B on. Input A is always on.
Proceed as follows to turn Input B on:
# Press VHzA to open the Meter B menu.
# Using select INPUT B: ON .
# Press UP/DOWN to confirm the selection; the mark changes to SQUARE  . The active setting from the next item group will be highlighted (for example SQUARE VAC ), and maintained after leaving the menu.
# Press F4 to exit the menu.
During verification you must open menus, and to choose items from the menu.
# Open the menu, for example press SCOPE/MENU.
# PressUP/DOWN to highlight the item to be selected in a menu.
# Press F4 to confirm the selection and to jump to the next item group (if present). Item groups in a menu are separated by a vertical line.
# After pressing F4 in the last menu item group,
If an item is selected, it is marked by SQUARE . Not selected items are marked by . If a selected item is highlighted, an then F4 is pressed, the item remains selected.
You can also navigate through the menu using RIGHT/LEFT. To conform the highlighted item you must press F4 .
Input A and B Base Line Jump Test
Proceed as follows to check the Input A and Input B base line jump:
1. Short circuit the Input A and the Input B shielded banana sockets of the test tool.
Use the BB120 banana to BNC adapter, and a 50Ω (or lower) BNC termination.
2. Select the following test tool setup:
# Turn Input B on (if not already on).
# Press AUTO to select auto ranging (AUTO in top of display).
( AUTO toggles between AUTO and MANUAL ranging).
# Press SCOPE/ MENU to open the SCOPE INPUTS menu.
# Press F1 to open the SCOPE OPTIONS menu, and choose :
3. Using TIMEns toggle the time base between 10 ms/div and 5 ms/div.
(the time base ranging is set to manual now, the input sensitivity is still automatic; no indication AUTO or MANUAL is displayed).
After changing the time base wait some seconds until the trace has settled. Observe the Input A trace, and check to see if it returns to the same position after changing the time base. The allowed difference is ±0.04 division (= 1 pixel). Observe the Input B trace for the same conditions.
4. Using TIMEns toggle the time base between 1 µs/div and 500 ns/div. After changing the time base wait some seconds until the trace has settled. Observe the Input A trace, and check to see if it is set to the same position after changing the time base. The allowed difference is ±0.04 division (= 1 pixel).
Observe the Input B trace for the same conditions.
5. Using TIMEns set the time base to 10 ms/div.
6. Using mV /V toggle the sensitivity of Input A between 5 and 10 mV/div. After changing the sensitivity wait some seconds until the trace has settled. Observe the Input A trace, and check to see if it is set to the same position after changing the sensitivity. The allowed difference is ±0.04 division (= 1 pixel).
7. Using mV/V toggle the sensitivity of Input B between 5 and 10 mV/div. After changing the sensitivity wait some seconds until the trace has settled. Observe the Input B trace, and check to see if it is set to the same position after changing the sensitivity. The allowed difference is ±0.04 division (= 1 pixel).
8. When you are finished, remove the Input A and Input B short.
Calibration Adjustment
Calibration number and date
When storing valid calibration data in FlashROM after performing the calibration adjustment procedure, the calibration date is set to the actual test tool date, and calibration number is raised by one. To display the calibration date and - number:
1. Press USER OPTION to open the USER OPTIONS menu.
2. Press F3 to show the VERSION&CALIBRATION screen (see Figure 5.1).
3. Press F4 to return to normal mode.
Equipment Required For Calibration
The primary source instrument used in the calibration procedures is the Fluke 5500A. If a 5500A is not available, you can substitute another calibrator as long as it meets the minimum test requirements.
# Fluke 5500A Multi Product Calibrator, including 5500A-SC Oscilloscope Calibration Option.
# Stackable Test Leads (4x), supplied with the 5500A.
# 50Ω Coax Cables (2x), Fluke PM9091 or PM9092.
# 50Ω feed through terminations (2x), Fluke PM9585.
# Fluke BB120 Shielded Banana to Female BNC adapters (2x), supplied with the Fluke 123/124.
# Dual Banana Plug to Female BNC Adapter (1x), Fluke PM9081/001.
# Male BNC to Dual Female BNC Adapter (1x), Fluke PM9093/001.
Starting Calibration Adjustment
Follow the steps below to start calibration adjustments.
1. Power the test tool via the power adapter input, using the PM8907 power adapter.
2. Check the actual test tool date, and adjust the date if necessary:
# Press USER OPTION to open the USER OPTIONS menu
# Using UP/DOWN select DATE ADJUST
# press F4 to open the DATE ADJUST menu
# adjust the date if necessary.
3. Select the Maintenance mode.
The Calibration Adjustment Procedure uses built-in calibration setups, that can be accessed in the Maintenance mode.
To enter the Maintenance mode proceed as follows:
# Press and hold BRIGHTNESS
# Press and release F4
# The display shows the Calibration Adjustment Screen.
The display shows the first calibration step Warming Up (CL 0200) , and the calibration status :IDLE (valid) or :IDLE (invalid)
4. Continue with either a. or b. below:
a. To calibrate the display contrast adjustment range and the default contrast, Contrast Calibration Adjustment.
This calibration step is only required if the display cannot made dark or light enough, or if the display after a test tool reset is too light or too dark.
b. To calibrate the test tool without calibrating the contrast.


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