
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Criticare 8100E Series Vital Signs Monitor – Service mode – NIBP calibration – Service mode adjustments – Mother board testing – medical Equipment repair and service

Category: Medical Equipment Repair and Service 

Contents of this article 

  • How to access service mode 
  • NIBP calibration 
  • Mother board testing and voltages 

Criticare 8100

Service Mode Window
The monitor has a Service Mode window that is accessible through the CONFIG window of the monitor.
# Never service a monitor while it is attached to a patient.
# Never enter the service menu while monitoring a patient.
To access the Service Mode located in the CONFIG window:
1. Press the ON/OFF button on the front panel to turn on the power to the monitor.
2. Rotate the menu knob to highlight CONFIG in the main menu and press the knob once to select it. The CONFIG window appears.
3. Rotate the menu knob to highlight Enter Service Mode and press to select. The value NO is highlighted.
4. Rotate the menu knob to highlight YES and press to select. The
Enter Service Mode dialog box appears.
5. To enter the service mode enter the password PIA418 by doing the following:
# Rotate the menu knob to select a character.
# Press the menu knob to enter each character.
# If a mistake is made, advance to the end of the password and start over.
When you enter the correct password, the Service Mode window appears. (See the next step.)
If you entered an invalid password, the window below appears. Check the validity or spelling of the password you entered and repeat the password entry.
6. When you enter a valid password the Service Mode window appears:
From this point, you can access all service mode functions and calibrations, set operation values, and perform tests. All the following functions are accessed from the Service Mode window shown above:
# NIBP Service Mode
# Processor Software Download
# Permanent Alarm Silence
# Arrhythmia and ST Analysis
NOTE: Monitors with CO2 monitoring will have additional items in the Service Mode window.
NOTE: After you perform each service mode function, you must turn off power to the monitor. Press the ON/OFF button on the front panel of the monitor.
NIBP Service Mode
From the Service Mode window, do the following:
NOTE: To service the NIBP module you need specified equipment..
1. To run a high time or pressure test for adults or infants, or to run an inflate/deflate speed test, with the menu knob highlight Enter NIBP Service and press to select. The value NO is highlighted.
2. Rotate the menu knob to highlight YES and press to select. The NIBP Service Mode Parameters window to service NIBP appears.
3. Rotate the menu knob to highlight the test you want to run and press to enter. The test value NO is highlighted.
4. Rotate the menu knob to highlight YES and press to begin the test. When the test is executing, the following message appears on the bottom of the NIBP service window:
Test in progress, select NO to cancel
5. Press the ON/OFF button to exit the NIBP Service Mode Parameters window.
NOTE: Pressing the ON/OFF button will turn off the monitor. Press
the ON/OFF button again to restart the monitor.
Processor Software Download
The Software Download parameter in the Service Mode window is used to download software for the following processors:
# NIBP/CO2 Processor
# Vital Signs Processor
# Main Display Processor
From the Service Mode window:
1. Rotate the menu knob to Software Download and press to select.
2. Rotate the knob to choose the processor you wish to download and press to select. The value NO is highlighted.
3. Rotate the menu knob to highlight YES and press to select.
If you choose not to select YES, allow NO to remain selected, and then press the menu knob to return to the Service Mode window. The following message then appears next to the
Software Download parameter:
No action taken
4. Press the ON/OFF button on the front panel of the monitor to turn off the power to the monitor.
Permanent Alarm
Silence From the Service Mode window:
1. To disable the permanent alarm silence feature, with the menu knob highlight Permanent Alarm Silence and press to select.
Enable is highlighted.
2. Rotate the menu knob to highlight Disable and press to select.
3. Press the ON/OFF button on the front panel of the monitor to turn off the power to the monitor.
Service Settings
 Several settings on the CONFIG window are password protected. You should not change these functions during use and only biomed technicians or supervisory personnel should adjust the settings.
These functions include:
# Alarm Tone Warning
# Line Frequency
# Enter Service Mode
# Enter Simulation Mode
To set the functions listed above, do the following:
1. Rotate the menu knob to highlight CONFIG in the Main menu and then press the knob once to select it. The CONFIG window appears.
2. Rotate the menu knob to highlight the service function that you want and press to select.
Service Password To enter the service mode enter the password PIA418 by doing the following:
1. Rotate the menu knob to select a character.
2. Press the menu knob to enter each character.
3. If a mistake is made, advance to the end of the password and start over.
Line Frequency
In the CONFIG menu the frequency which is rejected is either 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Set the frequency to the local AC (mains) power which is 60 Hz in the U.S. and 50 Hz in most of Europe. Contact your local distributor for more information. The password to change the frequency is PIA418.
NIBP Calibration
Equipment Required:
# CAT #1320 kit, which includes: NIBP Service Program (pn 97082A003, Rev. 2)
# PC computer configured for use with CSI Service Software
# 8100 serial download cable, CAT #1320 (pn 90840A004)
# 700cc dummy cuff
# ESD protected workbench
# Digital reference manometer
# Dynatech Nevada NIBP Analyzer
Installing the PC Service Program
The NIBP Service Program is provided on a self-installing CD ROM disk (pn 97082A003, Rev. 2). If the CD ROM does not run automatically you may need to click on the CD ROM icon. Run the auto-installation disk. The program NIBPSvc.exe will be loaded into the Program Files directory. The new folders CSI\Tools will be created. A launch icon will also be placed on the desktop of the computer.
Configuring the Ports
The Service Program is designed to operate using a serial COM1, COM3 or COM4 port. If your computer uses USB ports instead of a serial port an adapter will be required. The following adapters are recommended:
# IOmega USB to Serial/PDA Converter Cable (GUC232A)
# Keyspan USB Serial Adapter (USA-19HS)
If COM1, COM3 or COM 4 is not available as a free port, the ports will need to be reconfigured in the computer’s device manager. Go to Control Panel\System\Hardware and select Device Manager. Select Ports and reassign the alternate port or the USB to Serial Adapter to COM1, COM3 or COM 4. For laptops using a USB adapter, select COM4 or an alternate COM port as necessary.
1. Connect a serial download cable (P/N 90840A004) from the PC serial port to “COM2” (J10 on the Main Board).
2. Open the service tool on the computer. Select Start > Programs > CSI NIBP Service > NIBPSvc. Close the disclaimer dialogue box.
3. Select COM1 for the port and select 8100 Integrated NIBP for the model. Click on OK.
4. Click on Connection and select Open in Service Mode.
5. Press the nGenuity 8100E monitor ON/OFF key to start the monitor.
6. Connect a 700cc dummy cuff and manometer to the NIBP fitting on the unit.
7. Click on the Calibrate button to calibrate the NIBP module.
8. A box prompting you to attach the digital manometer and dummy cuff will appear. Verify that the pressure at the cuff is “0mmHg” ±2mmHg. Click Next.
9. Verify that the pressure at the cuff is “0mmHg” ±2mmHg. If the pressure is not ±2mmHg of zero, the main board must be replaced. Click Next.
10.Check the cuff pressure as indicated on the service screen of the computer with the pressure indicated on the digital manometer. The cuff pressure should be within ±0.5 mmHg of each other. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the gain unit until the pressures match each other. Click Finish.
11.A window will appear on the screen indicating that data is being stored.
12.A Positive Confirmation message will appear. Click Done.
Temperature Input Check
1. Connect the temperature simulator (TP400) to the TEMP connector.
2. Verify the Temperature on the display is within ±0.1 C for temperature simulator settings of 20, 25, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 45C.
3. Disconnect the Temperature simulator from the TEMP CONNECTOR and verify that the Temperature on the display is "---. -". Verify TEMP INVALID appears on the display.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for temperature simulator (TP700).
5. Switch off the power. Disconnect all cables
Main Board Testing
Test the following conditions without batteries in the monitor.
1. Connect a 15.3VDC 3A power supply to connector PS2 on the Main Board.
2. Insert an ammeter inline at PS1 on the Main Board.
3. Verify the quiescent current (the power is applied, but the power control is in the OFF state) is less than 1ma. This quiescent current decreases to less than 1ma in a very short period of time. This must be done at the Battery connector. Remove the ammeter.
4. Connect a speaker to J20 on the Main Board.
5. Connect a membrane switch to J7 on the Main Board.
6. Attach a menu knob to the main board at J8 on the Main Board.
7. Verify that the monitor turns on after pressing the ON/OFF key, and that the following voltages are present:
Test Poin


1 comment:

  1. Hi i have some doubts about this procediment, do you have an email to help me?
